Sea Cucumber

Sea Cucumber

martes, 13 de septiembre de 2016

First of all, tell us about yourself. 

  1. Age
  2. Location
  3. Gender
Now, let's get in context, shall we?

4. Do you enjoy seafood?
5. If you do, what is it that you really like?
6. Do you know what a sea cucumber is?
7. Have you tried it?
8. If you have tried it, did you like it? If not, why didn’t you?
9. If you liked it, what made you like it?

10. If you didn’t like it, why didn’t you like?
Let's talk money $$

11. How much do you usually pay for a sea cucumber dish?
12. Do you think it’s fair how much you pay for it?
13. If it eventually got cheaper, would you but more?

14. If it eventually got more expensive, would you buy less?
Okay, and how are your consumption habits?

15. Is there any special feature you look for in a sea cucumber?
16. From the following, what do you look for in a sea cucumber?
-The place you are going to eat it at
-Presentation of the dish

17. What’s best for you, eating it at a restaurant or at home, somewhere else?
18. Where do you buy Sea Cucumber?
19. How often do you buy Sea Cucumber?
20. How do you eat Sea Cucumber? Cooked or raw?
21. Do you think that a sea cucumber dish is easy to find? Or do you have to search a lot for it?
22. Do you think that it is easy to cook sea cucumber?
23. Do you eat sea cucumber frequently?
24. Is it a dish that you eat on special occasions? (Birthdays, anniversaries, etc.)
25.Is this a dish that you usually eat without a reason? i.e. a Burger, a sandwich etc.